Ingrown toenails are caused by a mismatch between the soft tissue structures of the nail flap and the emerging nail edge. It is one of the most prevalent ailments that affect the nail.

Ingrown toenails occur when the side or corner of a toenail pushes and penetrates into the delicate flesh surrounding your toe. An ingrown toenail can result in pain, irritated skin, inflammation, and infection if left untreated.

If you or your loved one is experiencing tenderness and soreness around a toe, please consult with Dr. Swetha P, an acclaimed dermatologist and founder of the state-of-the-art skin clinic Dr. Swetha’s Cosmoderm Centre in Indiranagar.

Let us read on to find out what causes an ingrown toenail, its symptoms, and treatment.

Am I at risk of getting an ingrown toenail?

Both women and men can be affected by this condition. Although an ingrown toenail can occur in any of your toes, it usually affects the big toe.

You may have a higher risk of getting an ingrown toenail if you have diabetes or any other condition that causes insufficient blood flow to your feet.

Ingrown toenails can be caused by a variety of factors, including:

• Excessive pressure from ill-fitting shoes that suffocate your toenails and toes. Shoes that are uncomfortably tight, short, or tapering at the end are examples of this.

• Genetic and hereditary factors influence the shape of your toes or nails, increasing your risk of bothersome ingrown nails.

• Nails that are a little curved, forcing the nail to push into the edges of your toes.

• Nail trauma, such as a past toenail injury by a blow or dropping a heavy item on it, having a door slammed on it, or kicking something hard.

• Improper nail cutting technique – for example, clipping your toenails very short or clipping the edges causes the surrounding skin to curl over the nail, allowing the nail to dig into and penetrate the skin.

• Sweaty feet soften the skin and make it easier for your toenails to dig in.

You can usually treat ingrown toenails on your own. However, if the pain is severe, please get in touch with Dr. Swetha P,a top-notch dermatologist in Bangalore, as soon as possible.

How can I treat an ingrown toenail at home?

Ingrown toenails should be treated at the earliest to avoid infection. Mild instances may just necessitate a few home remedies. In severe circumstances, surgery may be required.

Following are a few common home remedies for ingrown toenails:

Soak your foot in warm, soapy water

You can immerse your injured foot in warm, soapy water for about 20 minutes thrice a day. Soaking the foot might help relieve discomfort and minimize swelling. Castile soap (made with olive oil and soda) is an excellent choice. You can also put some Epsom salts in the water to help you feel even better and promote healing.

Soak your foot in apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a popular folk cure these days for practically anything, even ingrown toenails. It is thought to have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and pain-relieving properties.

Add 1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar to warm water and soak the concerned foot in it for about 20 minutes each day until cured. Make sure you completely dry your foot afterward.

Apply an antibiotic ointment

Over-the-counter antibiotic cream or ointment can aid in healing and reducing the risk of infection. Put the lotion on the impacted toenail as per the instructions, usually thrice a day.

Polysporin, Neosporin, and Bactroban are some of the antibiotic ointments available. After applying, make sure to wrap the toenail in a bandage.

Wear comfortable footwear

Overly tight shoes and socks might suffocate your toes. This is thought to be one of the most common causes of ingrown toenails. Wear socks, shoes, or any footwear that fit well but give enough room in the toe bed to prevent an ingrown toenail from occurring or worsening.

It is best to avoid shoes or footwear that puts pressure on the affected area to relieve stress on your toenails throughout the healing process.

Try a toe protector

A toe protector can cushion an ingrown toenail from rubbing against anything. Toe protectors come in the form of rings to fit around the affected toe or as a toe cap providing full coverage to the toe.

You can go for the brands that come with a medicinal gel that softens toenails so that you can trim them easily. Follow the directions on the package until the affected toe is healed.

If your ingrown toenail does not improve with home cures, the nail may need to be partially or entirely removed. Please speak with Dr. Swetha P, an eminent skin care specialist in Indiranagar, Bangalore, with over 10 years of expertise in her field.

How is an ingrown toenail treated?

Ingrown nail surgery is a simple operation that allows you to walk shortly following the surgery. It is performed under sterile settings by one of our specialists. Although the process itself is short, the nail surgery procedure normally takes approximately an hour.

A local anesthetic is given to numb the affected toe. When the toe is numb, a constriction or tourniquet is applied to prevent bleeding where the nail fragment is removed.

The ingrown nail portion is cut away from the nail’s root.

Phenol is then administered to the nail bed to halt nail outgrowth and prohibit the ingrown nail from recurring in the future.

The toe is then washed and covered with a sterile dressing to promote healing and avoid infection after surgery.

After this, the doctor will schedule a follow-up review appointment, usually 2-3 days after the procedure and then again 2 weeks later. The doctor will inspect the toe’s healing process at this appointment, ensuring that there is no infection or recurrence.

If you face issues with your toenail, please seek immediate assistance from Dr. Swetha P . She is among the leading skin specialists known for her cutting-edge cosmetic techniques for hair, skin, and treatment for ingrown toenails.


You may think that swelling in your toe due to a blow or stubbing will subside on its own. Or you may consider it as a natural non-consequential result of wearing a new tight shoe that you recently bought.

Unfortunately, sometimes ingrown toenails can cause serious medical issues that necessitate prompt medical treatment. Pain is simply one aspect of the problem; the greatest concern is the risk of infection. An untreated infection due to an ingrown toenail can cause serious complications, possible amputation, and maybe even death.

Please don’t take discomfort or pain in your toe lightly. Take action before it turns into an infection and a more complicated problem.

Fix an appointment with Dr. Swetha P at the earliest. She is one of the most trusted and sought-after skin specialists in Bangalore. She can relieve you of this discomfort and help you get back on your feet again.