• Are you tired of dryness in your skin during the winter season?
  • Are you looking for a proper consultation to get rid of dry skin?

Well, you have come to the best place. Doctor Swetha’s Cosmoderm centre is one of the best skin clinic in Indiranagar, Bangalore. The clinic is at the heart of the city. So, it is straightforward to reach us for any of your skin issues.

Winter in our country is very dry as the moisturizer level present in the air falls during the winter season.

Along with the northern chilled air makes the situation is more complicated. As a result, you feel dry and lifeless skin during the winter season.

So, what is dry skin?

Dry skin is when you will develop few annoying conditions like cracking, itching, and scaling. In most cases, you will experience issues related to dry skin in areas like your heels, elbows, and knees.

You will see the effects of dry skin on your hand, legs, and area around your lips, along with these.

Winter works as a catalyst for your skin to get dried. In most cases, few lifestyle changes and over-the-counter cosmetics can help you get healed from dry skin. However, if these remedies are not sufficient for you, you should visit the best skin clinic near you.

You may have heard from many people that drinking lots of water can help you get rid of dry skin. But it is not accurate as drinking lots of water will not hydrate your skin. Even drinking lots of water may lead you to skin dehydration.

So, let us understand the reason:

  • You should drink an adequate amount of water that is enough for your body to keep hydrated. Over drinking water may wash away beneficial nutrients from your body.
  • Your body can be hydrated by drinking water. But your skin requires something extra. Along with water, you must take care of your protein and fat consumption too. These will help your skin cells to maintain their elasticity.

Again, all the essential nutrients hold the required water in your skin cells. In many cases, you will get relief by applying moisturizers.

We recommend a daily exfoliation regime to remove all the dead cells from your skin. It will help your skin to absorb the benefits of moisturizers more effectively.

Now, when we have understood dry skin, let us know why developing dry skin.

Generally, we believe that dry skin develops due to winter conditions. The vivid temperature falls, and the low level of humidity in airplay the role of catalyst in this. But more than the external aspects, the internal elements of your body are responsible for your dry skin.

Dry skin occurs due to the change in the top layer or epidermis. If you are experiencing dry skin regularly, you should have proper skin treatment to get rid of it. Remember, an early diagnosis may save you from potential complications in the future.

So, let us discuss the steps to fight against your dry skin.

We recommend the following things to recover from dry skin-

  • Use a soap that contains moisturizers
  • Avoid boiling water while you are taking a shower
  • Apply a good quality moisturizer after taking a shower
  • Pat dry your skin after your bath rather than rubbing
  • Try to shower less than ten minutes
  • Consume an adequate amount of fluid
  • Consume proper nutrition with your diet
  • Do not scratch your dry skin patches
  • Cover your skin with clothes so that the chilling winter air can not come into contact with your skin.
  • Oiling your skin or oil massage can be helpful as well.

Take care of your skin in a proper manner so that you can protect yourself from all the irritations related to your dry skin. Contact us for any of your skin requirements.