• Do you have dry skin?
  • Is there redness in your skin?
  • Is your skin itchy?

If yes, then you might be suffering from Eczema. Eczema is a skin disorder that causes the skin to become dry, red, and itchy.

But don’t worry! With proper treatment for eczema from the best skin specialist in Indiranagar, Bangalore you can treat eczema.

Sometimes, not facing the trigger and problem and running away from them is an act of wisdom and not an act of fear! Sometimes, it is not about bravery, but it is about saving yourself from misery!

Sometimes, running away from triggers and problems is the best solution. Certain triggers worsen the problem of eczema. By avoiding these triggers one can avoid the worsening of eczema and make their skin healthier.

  • Do you get envious of seeing the glowing and beautiful skin of models in advertisements?
  • Do you wish that you too had such healthy and beautiful skin that is not dry and itchy?

So, now is the time to make your wish come true! Yes, even you can now have healthy and beautiful skin, which is not dry, red, and itchy. You can now manage the problem of eczema by staying away from the triggers that worsen the problem of eczema. You can also treat the problem of eczema by visiting a skin clinic in Indiranagar, Bangalore.

This article discusses the triggers that worsen the problem of eczema.

What triggers the problem of eczema?

The following triggers worsen the problem of eczema. It is essential to avoid the following triggers to manage eczema.

  • Certain foods: Certain foods like sugar, gluten, red meats, and dairy products can make your eczema worse. By consuming foods that you are allergic can also worsen your eczema. If you feel by consuming certain foods there is a rise in eczema, then it is advisable to avoid such foods as they can trigger eczema.
  • Cold weather: We all love winters and cold weather. But our skin hates it. Cold weather can harm our skin and worsen eczema. Cold weather causes the skin to become dry. It is advisable to use a moisturizer to protect your skin from cold weather.
  • Humid weather: Not only cold weather but even hot weather can worsen eczema. Humidity causes sweating which in turn makes the skin itchy. So, it is essential to avoid sweating and stay cool by drinking plenty of water and by having a fan around you.
  • Exposure to water: Exposure to water for a long can cause the skin to become dry and itchy. It is advisable to apply a moisturizer to your skin after bathing or swimming to avoid skin dryness.
  • Stress: Stress not only affects one’s grin, but it also affects one’s skin. A hormone called cortisol is released by the body when under stress. This hormone is harmful to our skin and can worsen eczema. So, it is essential to manage stress by doing yoga and meditation and engaging in activities that one likes.
  • Detergents: Detergents are good for clothes but bad for the skin. Sometimes, detergents can cause the skin to become red, dry, and itchy due to the chemicals present in them. It is advisable to use fragrance-free detergents in such cases.
  • Scents: Scents are pleasant for the nose but not for the skin. Some skins resent scents. Scents can be harmful to the skin and worsen eczema. It is advisable to use scent-free body products to avoid worsening eczema.
  • Airborne allergens: It is essential to tell hygiene a hi to tell airborne allergens a goodbye! Airborne allergens such as dust mites are harmful to the skin and can worsen eczema. So, it is important to dust one’s house every day and keep it hygienic and clean to stay away from eczema triggers like allergens.
  • Exercise: Excess of everything is bad! Even excess of good is bad! Exercise is beneficial for good health but too much exercise is harmful to the health of our skin. Exercising can cause sweating which in turn worsens eczema. Exercising in the early mornings can help.
  • Infections of the skin: Skin infections trigger eczema as well as get triggered by eczema. It is advisable to seek help from a dermatologist in Indiranagar, Bangalore to treat your skin infections and thus avoid eczema.
  • Changes in hormones: Hormonal changes occur during pregnancy and menopause which leads to a fall in the hormone called estrogen. This leads to worsening eczema. It is advisable to talk to your doctor in Indiranagar, Bangalore, and ask him to suggest ways on how to regulate one’s hormones.


Sometimes, avoiding is a better solution than confronting. This is especially true in the case of eczema. It is essential to avoid the triggers of eczema to avoid worsening of eczema and to keep eczema in control. It is also advisable to seek help from a skin specialist in Indiranagar, Bangalore to treat and reduce the symptoms of eczema.

Avoid triggers to avoid making eczema bigger!