Hair loss is the most common hair problem among young adults and an accurate diagnosis is essential for it’s treatment.
Hair analysis can be done by :




Microscopic Examination

Trichoscopy refers to the examination of the hair and scalp using skin surface microscopy to visualize them at a better magnification. It is a simple and non invasive technique.
Structures which may be visualized by trichoscopy include :


Number of hair per unit area


Hair shafts


Hair follicle openings


Perifollicular epidermis

Trichoscopy allows distinguishing between normal terminal hairs and vellus (or vellus-like) hairs. It also helps to make fast diagnoses of tinea capitis and alopecia areata, distinguish early androgenetic alopecia from telogen effluvium, and differentiate scarring from nonscarring alopecia.
In Microscopic examinations; the client’s hair is plucked from the back and is examined under microscope.